My DiddiiiiOne day after putting Jaynann to bed, Ed mentioned to me that he didn't want Jaynann to grow up. His mom also ask often "when're you gonna stop calling her Baby Jaynann?" To Ed, I know Jaynann is everything. Even though back then when there were just us two, Ed didn't show much intertest in babies. Now Ed is Jaynann's "favorite biggest toy." She adores him and likes to be around him. Every night, Ed put her to bed. He always says to her, "good night, daddy loves you." Every morning, Jaynann cries for him to pick her up. I love seeing their relationships grow. I believe Jaynann is the luckiest baby in the world.
First few days at home, Ed and Jaynann too many naps together often. It was nice to see Ed became a dad.
Ed had proven me that he could give our newborn a bath. Go Ed!
Angela's wedding, both of them were tried.
4th of July night
A few days before moving out from the Tree. We sat outside after Ed got home from work. Jaynann and Ed were enjoying the nice weather. Jesse took this picture.
One day when Ed arrived home from work. Jaynann was so loving and wanted to be in his arms. Ed was in heaven.
The night before Christmas, we decorated a ginger bread house. Ed fed a bunch of gummy to Jaynann to keep her away from troubles.
You know what they say about being daddy's little girl.