Ed has something about the ancient pioneers. He seems to talk about them a lot, almost all the time. He often compares life's experiences today to the pioneer's time, to be funny maybe. Don't get him wrong, he admires them. He even mentioned them in his Zeke's blessing. So if you have had a conversation about the pioneers with Ed. He'd tell you how I was a bad pioneer because I couldn't handle hard works and such. Plus I like to complain just about everything. Once he joked about me being a bad pioneer to my friend, she was so offended for me. I thought to myself, oh well, I'm glad I wasn't born during the pioneer time. Ed would laugh and laugh about it. What so funny?! I don't know. So this past eight and a half months, I was carrying our 2nd baby Zeke. It was such a challenging pregnancy. Not only I had to deal with bathroom problems, also it was painful to sit and walk. He was hanging out in my tummy so low. Once the doctor felt his head and said to me that the more kids I have, the lower I will carry them. It is sad to hear. However I doubt the doctor's comment because I don't see how it is possible. I guess, I would have to pee my pants all the time. It is all funny to me now but I remember that I wasn't laughing a month ago. Enough about me, let talk about Zeke. He was such a perfect baby. The day I went to the doctor appointment on the early morning of May 18th, I was already 4.5 cm dilated. By the time I got to the hospital around 10.30 am, I was at 5ish. Ed and I had a good time waiting for the medications to kick in. It started to become real when I felt the pain at around noon. Some tears start running on my face but it wasn't long until I received an epidural. That was a very painful process for some reason. It also took a long time getting it in and I was really crying in pain this time. I looked up to see Ed's face. It seemed like he was scared of the needle. I heard it was quite big and long. Yap, I wasn't a true pioneer because I refused to deliver him without pain medicine. I know the pioneers didn't have a choice then. I'm certain they wouldn't mind having a pain killer if it was available then. Anyway, once they give me some type of relaxing medication, I was so sleepy. But then not long after, I was at 6, 9, and 10 cm. I heard Dr. Anderson said "let have a baby." I pushed his head, shoulders, (not knees and toes) and the rest of his tiny body out. It was fast and almost painless when I delivered him. Zeke was screaming very loudly right when he came out. The nurse said he was mad. It is a BOY! I cannot believe I just had another baby! After Zeke was born, Ed came up and kissed me. He said thanks for having a baby for him. I thought that was sweet and I wouldn't mind doing it over again. He then started telling me how I would make a good pioneer. Hahaha!!!! I laughed. Why did he bring it up again? Don't know. But Ed just had to mention it so that it could put a smile on my face. I guess he has changed his mind after the delivery.He later on mentioned it to his family and friends how I was such a good pioneer again and again and again. I'd shake my head and laugh when I heard him said that. I had it way easier than the pioneers, Ed. Trust me, they'd love to have it my way than their way. I'm just blessed to have the baby this way and I am thankful for every second of it. So there you have it, Ed's and my pioneer experience. For those who know my husband well will know what I'm
P.S. Zeke, Ezekiel Gonlawat Hewitt was born on May 18th, 2009 at 3.37 pm. He weighed 7.1 pounds and 19.5 long. He loves to sleep and poo A LOT!
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